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Success Story of the Week! Computer related eye, neck and back pain

With the pressures of being a Headteacher and the constantly changing statutory demands on schools, the amount of time and effort I was having to spend on paperwork, meetings and achieving deadlines was taking me away from being an effective Headteacher.

I no longer felt connected with the pupils, parents and staff. I found that when working on the computer I would get very tired and I started to develop acute eye pain and an electric shock sensation through my head. Over a period of time my colleagues also noticed my mood becoming lower and lower. I was getting headaches almost every hour and my momentum and drive were severely depleted. I found myself drinking more than was good for me on a daily basis. I used to compete as an athlete but because of back and leg pain I had been unable to run which has always been an excellent vent and passion for me.

I went to seem my own GP and The Occupational Health Doctor who both advised me to take time off. While I was off I decided to do something about my back and leg pain. I’d had the problems for 30 years when I first started running on harder surfaces when competing and training. I felt as though I had lost my mobility and was unable to exercise.

I had tried several times in the intervening years to get back into a regular routine but the pains in my knees would return and I lost the motivation to continue. More recently, my attempts to return to a regular exercise routine had been restricted by extreme tightness and ‘knotting’ in my right calf.

I went on the Internet and found a chiropractic clinic. Within a few adjustments I started to notice an improvement in my mobility. As the chiropractor worked on my spine and hips I noticed the knee pain and constant headaches had reduced. At the first Progress Exam I had felt a shift in my mood. The eye pain had gone and I had more energy. I had also started to take more responsibility again for my health and to improve my life choices. I was eating much better than rushing around, not eating at all, or having junk food and not having breakfast. I’d set a goal to run for 30 minutes; I am now up to 15 minutes four times a week. After 30 years of problems and seeing various other experts I had resigned myself to never running on a regular basis again.

I do tell people about the results I’ve been getting but there seems to be a perception that it is just about getting your back cracked and although I know I am getting improvements in other areas people seem to find it difficult to empathise and identify these improvements with chiropractic care.

I would recommended everyone to see a chiropractor!

carrickfergus, chiropractor, back pain, neck pain, headaches, sciatica

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