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Success story of the week!

I’ve been very active over the years. I competed as an athlete for 4-5 years before becoming a gymnastics coach. Gradually over the years after being diagnosed with a growing arthritic problem, the pains were gradually getting worse in my right knee and hands and more recently I was getting further shooting pains in my left leg, shin and in my buttock. I was also getting intermittent numbness in my left wrist which seemed to be getting worse and worse.

Gradually, I was becoming incapable of doing very much in terms of walking. I could foresee a future on walking sticks or being confined to a wheelchair.

I had physiotherapy and that made some difference but I was still experiencing discomfort and a lack of mobility. I put it down to all the stress I’d put on my body early on in my career. I didn’t expect to be able to recover it.

At first I knew very little about chiropractic but my wife had a few colleagues who were under chiropractic care so we decided to try it.

After about a month I started noticing that overall I was in less discomfort and could walk easier.
My right knee pains have gone and although it still has a tendency to be unstable at times it is much improved. The shooting pains in my left leg have gone and my left wrist no longer acutely numb. My quality of life has improved as I am now virtually without discomfort. I would say I am back to where I was 4 years ago in terms of mobility and flexibility. I can go out for an hour and not be distressed. I can contemplate walking for up to ½ an hour and not be constantly thinking “Can I make it home?”

I tell people that chiropractic care can be effective with a lot of common problems not just back pain. It’s common sense. If your spine is aligned your body has a better chance to work more efficiently. Some of them say “I’ve thought about it but I’ve never tried it”. So I tell them “Give it a try!”

For me, chiropractic has restored a degree of flexibility I thought I had lost for ever. Its got rid of muscle and joint pain and I have been able to resume some of the activities I used to do. It has given me confidence that I can look forward to the fact that with chiropractic I will stay fit and mobile for a good deal longer.

– P. Arnold

carrickfergus, chiropractor, back pain, neck pain, haedaches, sciatica, arthritis

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